Javascript Regular Expressions - Javascript Cheatsheet
Regular Expression Symbols
Symbol | Description |
. | Matches any character except newline |
\d | Matches any digit (0-9) |
\D | Matches any non-digit character |
\s | Matches any whitespace character |
\S | Matches any non-whitespace character |
\w | Matches any alphanumeric character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscore (_) |
\W | Matches any non-alphanumeric character |
[abc] | Matches any character inside the brackets (a, b, or c) |
[^abc] | Matches any character not inside the brackets |
^ | Matches the start of the string |
$ | Matches the end of the string |
* | Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding element |
+ | Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding element |
? | Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding element |
{n} | Matches exactly n occurrences of the preceding element |
{n,} | Matches n or more occurrences of the preceding element |
{n,m} | Matches at least n and at most m occurrences of the preceding element |
\| | Acts as a boolean OR. Matches the pattern before or the pattern after the | |
( ) | Defines a group |
(?: ) | Defines a non-capturing group |
(?= ) | Positive lookahead |
(?! ) | Negative lookahead |
Dot (.)
Matches any character except newline.
let regex = /a.c/;
let str = 'abc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Digit (\d)
Matches any digit (0-9).
let regex = /\d/;
let str = 'abc123';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Non-Digit (\D)
Matches any non-digit character.
let regex = /\D/;
let str = 'abc123';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Whitespace (\s)
Matches any whitespace character.
let regex = /\s/;
let str = 'abc def';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Non-Whitespace (\S)
Matches any non-whitespace character.
let regex = /\S/;
let str = ' abc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Word Character (\w)
Matches any alphanumeric character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscore (_).
let regex = /\w/;
let str = 'abc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Non-Word Character (\W)
Matches any non-alphanumeric character.
let regex = /\W/;
let str = 'abc-def';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Character Set ([abc])
Matches any character inside the brackets (a, b, or c).
let regex = /[abc]/;
let str = 'defabc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Negated Character Set ([^abc])
Matches any character not inside the brackets.
let regex = /[^abc]/;
let str = 'defabc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Start Anchor (^)
Matches the start of the string.
let regex = /^abc/;
let str = 'abcdef';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
End Anchor ($)
Matches the end of the string.
let regex = /def$/;
let str = 'abcdef';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Zero or More ():* Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding element.
let regex = /a*/;
let str = 'aaaabc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
One or More (+)
Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding element.
let regex = /a+/;
let str = 'aaaabc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Zero or One (?)
Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding element.
let regex = /a?/;
let str = 'abc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Exactly N ({n})
Matches exactly n occurrences of the preceding element.
let regex = /a{2}/;
let str = 'aaaabc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
N or More ({n,})
Matches n or more occurrences of the preceding element.
let regex = /a{2,}/;
let str = 'aaaabc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Between N and M ({nm})
Matches at least n and at most m occurrences of the preceding element.
let regex = /a{2,3}/;
let str = 'aaaabc';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
OR (|)
Acts as a boolean OR. Matches the pattern before or the pattern after the |
let regex = /abc|def/;
let str1 = 'abc';
let str2 = 'def';
console.log(regex.test(str1)); // true
console.log(regex.test(str2)); // true
Grouping (()
Defines a group.
let regex = /(abc)/;
let str = 'abcdef';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Non-Capturing Group ((?: ))
Defines a non-capturing group.
let regex = /(?:abc)/;
let str = 'abcdef';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Sure, here is the continuation from item 21:
Positive Lookahead ((?= ))
Positive lookahead.
let regex = /abc(?=def)/;
let str = 'abcdef';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true
Negative Lookahead ((?! ))
Negative lookahead.
let regex = /abc(?!def)/;
let str = 'abcghi';
console.log(regex.test(str)); // true